Books in association with

Touched by Fire : A National Historical Society Photographic Portrait of the Civil War, in Association With Civil War Times
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War : Retreat With Honor
Limited by Design : R&d Laboratories in the U.S. National Innovation System
1776 Year of Illusions
America Goes to War
Kinsey Photographer the Locomotive Portraits : A Half Century of Negatives by Darius and Tabitha May Kinsey
Bombers of World War II
The Fall of Japan
The History of Magic and the Occult
Submarine Warfare : An Illustrated History
Railroad Stations
Encyclopedia of Rifles & Handguns : A Comprehensive Guide to Firearms
The Wars of America
Great Battles of World War I (Great Battles of the World Wars Series)
Hazardous Duty
The Lessons of History
The Teams : An Oral History of the U.S. Navy Seals
Fighters of World War II
Lost Victories : The Military Genius of Stonewall Jackson
Copyright 2003