Books in association with

Hope for Our Time : Key Trends in the Thought of Martin Buber (Suny Series in Judaica, Hermeneutics, Mysticism and Religion)
The Mundane Mystic
Survival and Modernization, Ethiopia's Enigmatic Present : A Philosophical Discourse
Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy
Sufism and Islam
Sufism and Wisdom
Sufism and Knowledge
Banished...from the Sandbox
Edgar Cayce on the Millennium [ABRIDGED]
Conceptual Blockbusting : A Guide to Better Ideas
The Essential Husserl : Basic Writings in Transcendental Phenomenology (Studies in Continental Thought)
Naturalizing Phenomenology : Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science (Writing Science)
Introduction to Phenomenology
The Cambridge Companion to Husserl (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)
God, the Gift, and Postmodernism (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion)
Four Phenomenological Philosophers : Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty
Basic Concepts
Goethe's Way of Science : A Phenomenology of Nature (Suny Series in the Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology)
Chomsky : Language, Mind, and Politics (Key Contemporary Thinkers)(Paper)
Copyright 2003