Books in association with

NATO and the Future of European Security
NATO : A History
Europe-Toward 2001 (International Studies in Economics and Econometrics, Vol 35)
Bounty and Benevolence : A Documentary History of Saskatchewan Treaties
The People's Republic of China and the Law of Treaties
Pushing Back the Boundaries : The European Union and Central and Eastern Europe
Convention, 1500-1750
Gestures of Conciliation : Factors Contributing to Successful Olive Branches
Using Europe, Abusing the Europeans : Britain and European Integration, 1945-63 (Contemporary History in Context Series)
Campaigns Against Western Defense : Nato's Adversaries and Critics
Domestic Constraints and the Breakdown of International Agreements
Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons
Scotland Act 1998 Chapter 46
Convention Between Govt of Uk & Mongolia for Avoidance of Double Taxat (Treaty Series (Great Britain),31,)
Convention Between Govt of Uk & Kzakhstan for Avoidance of Double Taxa (Treaty Series (Great Britain),25,)
Agreement Between Govt of Uk & Oman for Avoidance of Double Taxation (Treaty Series (Great Britain).)
4th Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, Etc (Treaty Series (Great Britain).)
Government's Expenditure Plans - Lord Chancellor's and Law Officers' Departments
1996 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life (Treaty Series, Great Britain, 45)
International Life-Saving Appliance (Lsa) Code Resolution Msc. 48(66 (Treaty Series, Great Britain, 44)
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